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The Wicked King by Holly Black


As always, more info on how I rate books is somewhere on this site :)

This book was definitely better than the first one. Some things in the plot were slightly rushed and I just wanted more information on them. I know I said I liked the writing style in the first book, but in this one it just amplified the fast pace and as I mentioned before I just wanted more detail on certain events. I would have also liked to see Jude and Cardan's relationship be more developed because it felt like all the scenes with them together served another purpose in the plot and there was not much just for pure enjoyment.

Holly Black would just drop a bomb, spend a chapter on it and move on. Maybe I'm just used to getting an overflow of details in fantasy books, but the was my main issue with the book.

I enjoy reading about Jude because her thoughts and views on her problems is very relatable. I also love the banter between Cardan and Jude and the Court of Shadows. They make such a wholesome friend group and I'm here for it. I don't really see where the plot is going and I don't know what the big climax or battle is going to be.

I am really excited to read the third book and see how everything is going to fall together especially since the first and second book both ended on cliff hangers...

⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ /5

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