Book Pet Peeves part 1
Alright let's ruffle some feathers
1) Stickers on Front Cover
So you're telling me that an artist works super hard to create a cover for a book, the author and/or publisher paid for said cover to be printed on thousands of books, only for someone to decide to slap on a random sticker on the cover? ya no thanks.
2) Weird Dialogue Formatting
When the dialogue formatting is so weird that you have to go back and recheck who is talking is a big no for me. Why do I need to solve a whole puzzle just to figure out who is talking? Also, when there are no quotation marks around dialogue - not only do I not know which character is talking, but I don't read it in the right voice in my head and have to go back and reread.
3) "I lEt OuT a BrEaTh I dIdN't KnOw I wAs HoLdInG"
Excuse me, but you always know if you're holding your breath because your face turns red and purple and YOU CANT BREATHE. This phrase is so overused, especially in YA and I feel like its an inside joke of authors.