Throne of Glass by Sarah J Maas
If you would like to read more about how I create my ratings, I made a blog post about it :)
Ok, so since there are 7 main books and 4 novellas I'm just going to do one post about the series as a whole. (This will be long so brace yourselves.) Also here's little legend because I'm too lazy to wrote out the full word every time: ToG = Throne of Glass series, ToG#1 = the first book in the series, SJM = Sarah J Maas, YA = young adult
Alright, first I'll start the way I read the books. I started with ToG#1 and I just went in order (reading Tower of Dawn before Kingdom of Ash). After I finished the series I went back to read the novellas. In my ✨pRoFeSsIoNaL✨ opinion, I preferred reading the novellas after I finished the series. The stories in the novella are not exactly spoilers, but they do ruin some surprises in the last couple of books and I personally liked being surprised. If that's not your vibe, I do think the novellas give more depth to not only the main character, but a lot of the side characters too which make some of the events in the book much more meaningful.
For the actual review now...
ToG#1 was SJM first published work and very honestly, the writing style was not very advanced and it was very YA. (which is not a bad thing it just has some *eye roll* moments). Other than the writing, (which drastically improves so do not fret because it gets a lot better) I think the first book was the perfect catalyst to start off this 7 book series. SJM's foreshadowing in all the ToG books is top tier. I love going back and rereading some of the earlier novels and just connecting seemingly small and insignificant events or dialogue to huge plot moments in later books.
Speaking of plot, it was perfectly constructed; SJM dots every "i" and crosses every "t". The way everything comes together so seamlessly makes ToG such an impressive series. Although sometimes the plot was slower it was not a deal breaker and does not diminish the absolute master piece that this series is.
I loved (almost) all the characters and while I was reading Kingdom of Ash, I kept putting it off because I was so afraid for characters to die or get hurt, which (I hope this isn't spoilers) they do :(
Overall, I loved this series and I still think about it even though I read it so many months ago. Even though there is a lot going on and there are a lot of characters and sometimes its slow, it is so worth it at the end. Throne of Glass definitely kick started my love of fantasy books!
SPOILERS (kinda)
Almost was not going to do this but there are some characters that I should mention to really make this review complete (with the help of gifs because I just discovered wix has gifs):
1) Rowan
2) Manon
3) Chaol
4) Fenrys
ok that is all, thank you for coming to my TED talk. Now go read Throne of Glass because it will change your life!